El Comité anulaba la jornada en los dos campos de regata, después de que el viento cayera en picado en torno a las 14:00 hours.
Triple tie for the position of overall winner of Platú 25
IRC CAM 52, the Comet 41 Power Plate , GS 37 and Archambault Swinazo Lean & Mean 31, have proclaimed today XV Champions Trophy Tabarca Alicante City, which has been played between 8 and 11 July in the RCR Alicante. The final day began with a few minutes late and light wind from the south, but little by little, the wind shifted to east and fell in intensity, the committee canceled the race of the day for RI and soon the day for all classes. The ratings of yesterday become final and the champions are already full. In Platú 25 triple test and the head of the standings. Sea World takes the top prize. RI Promotion Arican champion.
could not be but some had the day today as the best chance to take revenge. In the field of RI, the Committee stood adjourned at 12, and began the procedure 15 minutes later, light winds from the south (175 º) of 6 knots. is designing a range of 5 sections for RI0, RI 1 and RI2, and RI3 and four bays for RI4.
The wind seemed he wanted to go up and the first beat was beautiful, with the MAC to the head at full speed and the rest of the fleet being played on all or nothing.
But the heat of the area imposed conditions, the wind began to appear shifty and lower in intensity and moving toward the east and down almost completely. The fleet was unable to move and the Committee had not thought twice, canceled the test.
After taking measurements around 14:00 pm, the Committee finally annulled the day and commanded the fleet in port. The overall standings on Saturday became final.
CAM, unrivaled in RI0
The new IRC 52 CAM, and Kilo Fernando León Sánchez Luna, had no rivals in RI0 the race course in Alicante. Four out of four, glared at his opponent 'Plis Play' of Alicante Vicente García. With this new victory, CAM is undoubtedly one of the most successful boats Tabarca XV Trofeo Ciudad de Alicante, with 10 podiums consecutive from 2001 until this year, and 5 top-class champion in 2001, 2004, 2006, 2009 and 2010)
Power Plate: rolled in RI1 seniority
No crew wrong with Tabarca XV Trofeo Ciudad de Alicante, but there were veterans of emergency on board the Comet 41 Power Plate, based on the RCN GC. Owned by James Monk and Gustavo Martinez Doreste to Reed, was left over from Olympic and World Cup, as Noluco Doreste, Roberto Molina or Jorge Forteza. For two days, Friday and Saturday, the Power Plate faced all kinds of winds and laid down the law. The First 45 DK Notebooks Rubio, the RCN Valencia, tried everything to repeat his triumph of Castellón and Valencia but finally had to admit the obvious and settle for second place. Third position for the IMX Grespania by Luis Hernandez, the RCN Castellón, and special mention for his club colleague, the Dufour 44 Tufted VII, Luís Senis, who got his best finish in the overall but won the victory Tabarca special.
Swinazo, the best in RI2
Swinazo The GS 36 BC, the RCM Sotogrande, stood with the trophy thanks to the regularity Tabarca achieved on the race course. With José Luis Paez on board, Borja Espinosa unit stood up as one in a fleet with 24 units ready for anything.
Swinazo added a second, first, a third and second and leads the standings with 3 points ahead of the City of Ceuta, Sergio Llorca, which has been repeated a second Cup races in Spain for Levante. With 13.75 points, Guaguanco, Thierry Lallemand, NC Altea, third on the podium. Special trophy for the Zuamia Guipúzcoa Jon Obeso, who won the long race Back to Tabarca.
Lean & Mean it gets into RI3
was the final day. With just half a point ahead, the Archambault 31 Lean & Mean finally prevails over its closest rival, the Dufour 34 Peñíscola Mascarat Jose Luis Franco, who had today's race to win the rematch, and the Vuelta Tabarca had a lot of history, approaches, tears, successes and mistakes. Lean & Mean Dominique Luna, based on the RCN Denia, he finally got to meet its target. In third Demon Dojo, Jerome RCN Cartagena and Torrevieja.
In promotion, disputed evidence, Triunfo de Arica, Francisco Ortiz, of Akra proving, Juan Rodríguez Marín and Vorm, Salvador Paya.
Triple tie at the front of the classification of Platú, victory for Sea World.
Mundo Marino, Alvaro de Haro and Javier Padron, CV Mundo Marino, has taken the trophy XV Tabarca Alicante City Platú class 25, but watch out, tied at 10 points in the unruly, Jaime Pont and Axel Rodger, the RCN Valencia and Carpantxo, Jesús Pintos, the RCN de Vigo.
And today the Committee to complete a final test before the wind dropped completely, Sea World and was getting the victory which it level on points with the rioters and Carpantxo. All three have won a victory in his marker, but applied to discard after 5 races and being the last to sign triumph, Sea World takes the upper hand and the championship title XV Trofeo Ciudad de Alicante Tabarca.
The awards ceremony is scheduled for 18:00 pm in the Village of RCR Alicante
RI 0
1 .- CAM (IRC 52) Fernando Leon / Kilo Sánchez Luna - RCR Alicante / RCN GC-1 +1 +0.5 +1 = 3,
2 .- Plis Play (FARR 520) Vicente García - RCR Alicante - 2 +2 +1 +2 = 7p
1 .- Power Plate (Comet 41) - Jaime Monjo / Gustavo Martínez - RCN GC-1 +1 +1 +2 = 5p
2 .- Cuadernos Rubio (First 45 DK) Enrique Rubio / RCN Valencia - 2 +3 +2 +4 = 11p
Grespania 3 .- (IMX 40) Luis Hernandez / Fernando Rives - RCN Castellón - 3 +2 +3 +5 = 13p
Porrona 4 .- (Dufour 44) Louis-senile RCN Castellón-6 +8 + 0.5 +1 = 15.5
wizard 5 .- (First 47.7) Alberto Castro-RCN Valencia - 5 +6 +7 = 21.5 +3.5
Swinazo 1 .- (GS 37) Borja Espinosa - RCM Sotogrande - 2 +2 +1 = 6.5 +1.5 p
3 .- City of Ceuta (Dufour 40) Sergio Llorca-CV Gale-4 +2 +0.5 +3 = 9.5 p
2 .- Guaguanco (First 40.7) Thierry Lallemand - CN Altea - 1 +3 +3.75 +6 = 13.75
4 .- Pajuelín Benidorm (Salona 37 K) Miguel Alberto Noriega - Benidorm CN-7 +4 +4.5 +9 + = 21
Modark 5 .- (X-37 Sport) Asier García - 5 +7,4,5 Cn +9 Castro Urdiales = 25.5
RI 3
1 .- Lean & Mean - (Achambault 31) Dominique Luna - RCN Denia-2 +1 +2 +1 = 6p
Peñíscola-Mascarat 2 .- (Dufour 34) José Luis Franco-UPV-1 +2 +1.5 +2 = 6.5 p
3 .- Demon Dojo (First 33.7) Jerome Cartagena, Fernando Antón-4 +4 +2.5 +4 = 10.5 p
4.- Enewtec (First 34.7) – Francisco Miguel García – 3+3+3,5+6=15,5
5.- Maire (Confortina 32)- Pedro Jose Antonio Brotons- RCR Alcicante – 10+5+1+3=19
Platú 25
1.- Mundo Marino 25 – Álvaro de Haro/Javier Padrón- 7+5+2+1=10
2.- La Revoltosa – Jaime Pont/Axel Rodger – 2+1+3+4+4= 10
3 .- Carpantxo - Jesus Pinto - CRN Vigo - 1 +3 +5 +3 +3 = 10
4 .- Recreate 2 Medilevel - Ignacio Campos RCR Alicante - 6 +4 +9 +2 +5 = 17
5 .- Pix 1 - Anna Mora - Oriol Bou RCN Barcelona - 4 +2 +1 +12 +12 = 19
pa rticipar Come and enjoy the World Platú 25 Alicante 2010 ( 18 and July 24) Web World Championship Platú 25 updated with Video-interview with D. Juan Rodríguez Marín, President of the Real Club de Regatas de Alicante, and new images of the Village area in the Gallery section.
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