Friday, November 21, 2008

Ideas For Paper Plate Awards For Soccer

dozen silent ghost

Says gmail mailbox, if you want to read something, always can check the google news. The only news that appeals is that the kiss with the wisdom of ten expressions finger by finger-pressed with the ten-illusion melted in sensual black room: basic Decalogue hope to raise to the nth vibration ... Yes, it refers to those yours. As absent as you. As inventive as your name and your human form.
you, your nonexistent kisser.

Saturday, November 15, 2008

Floral Arrangements For A Baby Shower

received your letter and was glad. I opened it and inside this letter was another letter and I went to cheer. I opened the second letter, but inside it was a third. The envelopes were almost ethereal, like clouds covered with rice paper. This third letter referred to a fourth and a fifth card. In the fifth letter referred to a tenth letter would write three days after you received the answer to your second letter. But the second letter came within the first forwarded it to a twenty-eighth letter would write waving goodbye from me for not having answered the seventh letter, which you said earlier that the six were a sham that would never get to write because I do not deserve it and because my joy to read your first letter you seemed totally fake, it was not true, but it was too late to andARTE convinced of such things after so much time has passed y tantas cartas que sólo llevaban y traían nuestro silencio tan bien dobladito entre papeles blancos...